Forensic investigations and analysis

Material analyses are often required to determine the causes of damage. We evaluate macro- and microscopic examinations working together with national and international experts.

We focus on the investigation of metal and plastic materials as well as the determination of the cause of damage in the field of mechatronics and perform root cause analysis of IT damages, such as process controlling and IT equipment damages, server fires, etc.

About Forensic Engineering

Forensic engineering is an investigation into the root causes of the failures of systems and materials, components, and end products. Failures can mean breaking, cracking, or failing to perform as intended.  This type of analysis is usually complex and requires multiple steps to develop meaningful analytics.  Forensic engineering also requires expertise and experience with interdisciplinary science and engineering.

Our experts have as much as three decades of experience in forensic engineering and failure analysis. Our staff of engineers includes expertise in chemistry, electronics, mechanics and materials which allows for the most thorough investigations and analysis.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) & Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

SEM Analysis 

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) magnifies a specific sample region using a high energy focused beam of electrons. The sample is under vacuum to ensure the electron beam stays focused and does not interact with particles in the air. When the beam of electrons hits the sample, it causes secondary electrons to be released from the sample which are detected to provide an image based off the topography of the surface. 

Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) provide forensic investigators with critical imaging and analytical capabilities that are not available from other techniques. 

EDS Analysis 

The sample region evaluated with SEM Analysis can also be analysed to determine the specific elements that comprise the sample region by utilizing Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS). X-rays are also released from the surface of the sample that carry a unique energy signature that is specific to elements found in the sample. EDS provides data about the chemical composition of the sample and provides additional data about the features that are observed in the SEM micrographs. 


Forensic applications of SEM include analysis of metal, plastic material and many more. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has become an indispensable tool for forensic investigation, shedding light microscopic traces of evidence through imaging, image comparison, and X-ray microanalysis. 

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vrs-SSP-Adjusters GmbH

Kornstraße 4, 4060 Leonding, Austria

+43 732 60 66 27

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