Strong earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria on 06.02.2023
Earthquakes of the magnitude of 7.7, 6.6 and 6.4 respectively struck the city of Kahramanmaraş, the city of Gaziantep and their surroundings in the south-eastern part of Turkey and northern Syria on 06.02.2023 in the early morning hours. The earthquake affected ten cities in the region and left a massive destruction in their wake.
The rescue works still continue, complicated by destroyed access roads, as well as collapsed infrastructure, power plants, hospitals and airports. Turkey declared a state of emergency, which covers 10 provinces and will presumably uphold for the next 3 months.
Update 15.02.2023:
At the present, maritime operations were partially restored in the affected ports, nevertheless they are presently used for humanitarian purposes only.
The local ports affected by the earthquake are as follows :
Adana Ceyhan – Yumurtalik Region Ports: Sönmez, Toros, Botaş Ceyhan: These ports are operational. Sanko Port is not operational
Iskenderun Dortyol Region Ports: Aygaz, Likitgaz, Botaş Dörtyol, Petgaz, Byport, Global Terminal: All Ports are operational
Iskenderun Ports: Limak (where fire broke out), POAŞ, Gubretas, Yazici, Assan, Ekinci, Tosyalı, Isdemir, MMK, Atakas
After over 90 hours, the fire ravaging at the Iskenderun Port of Limak could finally be extinguished.
Update 18.02.2023 concerning Limak Port:
According to an official statement of Limak Port, the fire caused by the earthquake in the Kahramanmaraş region has been completely extinguished as of 13.02.2023 and cooling works have also been completed.
Thanks to the dedicated work of fire brigades, public institutions and port workers, about 3.670 of the approx. 5.400 containers in the full container storage area were rescued as unburned. The damage to the burned 1.730 containers and the containers overturned in course of the earthquake is to be determined.
At the present, stakeholders who have empty containers on site were asked to start empty container gate-out operations.
After the stacking and counting operations are finished, related parties will be invited to attend inspections; appointments will be strictly enforced.
A renewal of vessel discharge and loading operation is aimed to be achieved within 3 months.

We continue to monitor the situation in the affected areas.
In support of our vrs partner in the region, Bilgisin, we are ready to take care of any losses you may have sustained.
Please feel free to contact us at to handle these claims.
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